Wiltshire+Dimas were instrumental in organising the second seminar in the noteworthy Murru waaruu (On Track) Seminar Series – a project they took great pride in delivering on behalf of the Australian National University’s First Nations Portfolio. ‘Niiringal (The Day After) Implementation of Uluru Part 2: Using the Acquired Assets’ was a pivotal two-day event attended by delegates from around the globe.
The Murru waaruu (On Track) series is a coordinated program of six evidence-based intellectual seminars held over the course of 2023, designed to shift the current Australian First Nations economic development policy to one that has a much greater focus on facilitating and supporting economic self-determination by, and for, Australia’s First Peoples. They are led and facilitated by the First Nations Portfolio – a branch of the ANU Executive.
The second seminar in the Murru waaruu series was titled, ‘Niiringal (The Day After) Implementation of Uluru Part 2: Using the Acquired Assets,’ and featured a dinner and plenary session with Joe Morrison (CEO, Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation) and Professor Anthony Connolly (Dean, ANU College of Law), plus distinguished speakers including Professor Peter Yu (Vice President, First Nations, ANU) and Stan Lui (Chair, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Indigenous Reference Group).
Delegates at the two-day seminar identified alternative tenure systems, pathways to diversification, the expansion and broadened use of assets, enhanced First Nations control and management systems, and potential new institutional arrangements to foster economic self-determination.
Client: First Nations Portfolio, Australian National University
Location: Kambri and Birch Building, ANU
Capabilities: Event Design, Production & Management, Marketing & Communications, Creative Direction, Design & Publishing, Photography & Video Production, Financial/budget Management, Supplier Management, Delegates Management