When artists and interior designers collaborate, magic happens. Our latest project at Hills Homemaker Centre is living proof.
In 2021 Wiltshire + Dimas was engaged by the Aventus Group in a first for the company collaboration with interior design consultancy McBean & Co for the design upgrade of public areas at their Hills SuperCentre (now HomeCo. Castle Hill). The project featured art, interior and exterior wayfinding, custom designed objects, furnishings, lighting and interior landscaping.
Sydney artists Georgia Hill and Elliott Routledge under the creative direction of Wiltshire + Dimas and McBean & Co, where engaged for the delivery of the artwork as well as the exterior and interior wayfinding. The result triggered the continuation of similar upgrade projects across the Aventus Group national portfolio.
Client: Aventus Group
Location: Hills SuperCentre (now HomeCo. Castle Hill)
Capabilities: Environmental Design, Placemaking, Creative Direction, Art Strategy